Excellent point made there.
We may be inclined to look at things along the line that
"my car runs on petrol / gasoline, so that is the only way I am affected by oil prices."
Not so!
Nearly everything uses oil (either as a fuel,as a lubricant or as a feed stock):
- plastics
- chemicals
- pharmaceuticals
- everything that gets transported by road, sea, air; and in most cases, rail as well.
(Anything not covered in that list!)
- and of course, agriculture; both fuels and fertilizers.
The consumer pays for this - and also, as you correctly observed, indirectly plays a part in any environmental damage that results.
Reefton Jack
JoinedPosts by Reefton Jack
You want everyone to stop using oil but do you eat meat?
by sammielee24 init takes 16 pounds of grain/grass etc to produce 1 pound of animal flesh which means that the biggest contributor to global warming isn't your car - it's animal produce.
now - we can scream about those gas guzzlers and the emissions they put out - but if we run out and buy ethanol or drive a prius - then we sit down to a steak dinner or chow down on those burgers...then don't you think that its a little ridiculous?
whats the answer?
Reefton Jack
What Relgion Would You like to Be After Being a JW?
by freyd inmormon underwear .
this is an informational site to about mormon underwear (mormon garments), what it is, and why mormon's wear it.
there are many sites on the internet about mormon underwear that have incorrect information.
Reefton Jack
That is an easy one to answer - none at all!
Jack. -
Ever had the "privilege" of ...
by Frequent_Fader_Miles in... attending an international convention?
was it a total waste of time and resources, or did you actually gain something from the experience?
Reefton Jack
I attended two "International Conventions":
- 1973, held in Christchurch,NZ.
-Then 1978, in Auckland.
As with all Assemblies, Conventions - call them what you will - I could never see the point of the things.
However, the way everyone used to rave on about how "upbuilding" they were, I thought that there must be something wrong with me - like there must have been a point that I was missing somewhere along the line.
(It took along time for me to wake up to the fact that there WAS a point that I was missing;
- but it wasn't quite the one I imagined it to be!)
Jack. -
What about your JW past are you thankful for?
by nvrgnbk inin the interest of self-healing and finding the peace that comes from being grateful, can you think of anything at all that was positive about having been one of jehovah's witnesses?.
not to be misunderstood with missing something about it, is there something about the experience that has enriched you?.
to answer the question myself, being forced to face the fallacies of the teachings of jwism, i was also prompted to look past those teachings and reevaluate everything i believed in.. that experience was frightening and unsettling, but i'm thankful for it.. i now have a greater appreciation for life in all its wonder than i did when i took it for granted as one of jehovah's witnesses.. i'm more determined now to find meaning in this life, after having lived for so long for a future that was never to arrive..
Reefton Jack
I don't have to say much here to answer that question:
- Not a bloody thing!
Jack. -
Rugby World Cup: England beat the Aussies again!
by dedpoet inrugby world cup quarter final result.
england 12. australia 10. we are the champions!!!
Reefton Jack
i have to say that both my comment and the previous poster's were a bit tongue in cheek whereas your's seems to be quite unnecessarily serious.
No mate - I had my tongue driven hard into the side of my cheek too! -
JWs Do NOT Care About Getting Converts. They Really Don't!
by minimus inif jws really cared about making disciples they would never use outdated ways to get their "lifesaving message" across.
knocking on doors, knowing that most people aren't at home, is simply a waste of time.
driving around from one part of town to the other side in order to stretch your time, while doing return visits is simply a way to not reach people as quickly as possible.
Reefton Jack
The Society gets their money either way and doesn't have to invest in expensive means to get it.
Just reinforces the point of this thread:
- i.e. The WTS is NOT interested in making converts, otherwise they would be using the most effective means of reaching maximum numbers of people in minimum time.
PS: and they talk about a Bureaucracy as something that perpetuates itself! -
Rugby World Cup: England beat the Aussies again!
by dedpoet inrugby world cup quarter final result.
england 12. australia 10. we are the champions!!!
Reefton Jack
Being thru to the final is not quite the same thing as having got through the final.
(Even we,too, speak English - believe it or not!)
Jack. -
Do Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY Love Others?
by minimus inthink about it---witnesses proclaim that their identifying mark is love.
they are the "most loving organization in the world".
they personify christ and are the only "true christians".
Reefton Jack
Even when I was a JW, I never could fathom out those who reckoned that they were attracted to the "Truth" by the love that they saw displayed at the Kingdom Hall.
At one stage, I actually thought that there must be a point that I was missing somewhere!
In recent years, I have been impressed by the old friends that I had before the WT Madness took hold.
They are still prepared to accept me now as a friend:
- even though back then they must surely have thought that I had blown a fuse upstairs somewhere!
Contrast that with the Dubs, who as policy make use of the cruel practice of shunning:
-a practice carried out deliberately because it is cruel.
Jack. -
JWs Do NOT Care About Getting Converts. They Really Don't!
by minimus inif jws really cared about making disciples they would never use outdated ways to get their "lifesaving message" across.
knocking on doors, knowing that most people aren't at home, is simply a waste of time.
driving around from one part of town to the other side in order to stretch your time, while doing return visits is simply a way to not reach people as quickly as possible.
Reefton Jack
Good point!
It has long been known that the most effective way of reaching people is Television:
-even the most hide-bound politicians had to finally wake up to that one during the 1960s
(Like, it isn't exactly a new idea!)
Anybody who is serious about converting others to an idea (religious or otherwise) would surely be using T.V. ahead of everything else.
I tend to agree with those who have suggested that the WTS culture of "door-to-door", "field circus",
(call-it-what-you-will...); Monthly Report ect. is more about control of the R&F than it is about making the maximum number of converts in the minimum amount of time.
(It also has b--ger all to do with love, as you have noted on a previous thread).
Jack. -
Rugby World Cup: England beat the Aussies again!
by dedpoet inrugby world cup quarter final result.
england 12. australia 10. we are the champions!!!
Reefton Jack
We are the champions!!!!
-You have got to get through the final, yet, before you can lay claim to that one!
(Particularly if it is against South Africa).